Germplasm Bank of Wild Species |
Professor LI Dezhu |
LI Dezhu, Professor of Botany of Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (KIB/CAS). Major research interests include 1) Systematics, phylogeny, and biogeography of Bambusoideae (Poaceae); 2) The construction of the tree of life based on genomic data; 3) Plant DNA barcoding and iFlora of China;4) Wild plant germplasm resources protection and research;5) Conservation biology, Pla...
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Current Group Members |
Staff: Mr. LI De-Zhu, Ph.D (Prof., Group Leader) Ms. LU Jin-Mei, Ph.D (Associate Research Fellow) Mr. ZHOU Wei, Ph.D (Associate Research Fellow) Mr. MA Peng-Fei, Ph.D (Associate Research Fellow) Ms. ZHANG Yu-Xiao, Ph.D (Assistant Research Fellow) Ms. WU Zeng-Yuan, Ph.D (Assistant Research Fellow) Ms. YU Xiang-Qin, Ph.D (Assistant Research Fellow) Mr. DU Xin-...
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Major Research Achievements (2009-2013) |
1. The Construction of the Tree of Life 1) Phylogenetics and phylogenomics of the Bambusoideae (Gramineae). The bamboo subfamily (Bambusoideae), the rice subfamily (the Erhartoideae) and the Pooideae (to which wheat belongs) are closely related and compose the BEP clade in the grass family. The Bambusoideae includes three major tribes, the woody Bambuseae from the pantropics, the herbac...
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Recent Publications |
Part 1: Papers (2011-2015) (*corresponding author) 2015 Cai J, Ma P-F, Li H-T, Li D-Z*. Complete Plastid Genome Sequencing of Four Tilia Species (Malvaceae): A Comparative Analysis and Phylogenetic Implications. PLoS ONE 10(11) (2015): e0142705. (SCI, IF=3.234, JCR Top 15%) Fritsch P W, Lu L, Wang Hong, Li D-Z. New species, taxonomic renovations, and typifications in Gaultheria seri...
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