Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia |
Professor JI Yunheng |
JI Yunheng PhD, Associate Professor (Group Head) Tel: 86-871-65223522 Email: Research Interests: Environment changes and human activities may have severely affected the genetic composition and structure of natural plant populations over time. These predict had been justified by population genetics theories and model simulations, however, not well sup...
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Current Group Members |
Group Member: CHEN Shaotian PhD, Associate Professor Tel: 86-871-65216123 Email: YANG Zhenyan MSc, Research Assistant Undergraduates: TAO Chengcheng (Bachelor) MSc. Student LI Xiaojuan (Bachelor) MSc. Student Huang Yuling (Bachelor) MSc. Student Shi Youcai (Bachelor) MSc. Student
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Major Research Achievements |
Main Grants: 1. Origin and Adaption to Environment of Endemic Species of IncarvilleaJuss. (NSFC 31070196, to S. T. Chen) 2. The Impacts of Hybridization to Paris dulongensis, a crisis endangered species (NSFC 31070297, to Y. H. Ji)
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Selected Publications |
1. Chen ST, Gong J, Guan KY, Zhou ZK. 2010. Biodiversity Conservation of the Genus Incarvillea Juss. (Bignoniaceae) Based on Molecular Diversity and Species Richness Assessment. Journal of Plant Biology 53: 387~394. 2. Yang Y, Zhai YH, Liu T, Zhang FM, and Ji YH. 2011. Detection of Valerianajatamansi as an adulterant of medicinal Paris by length variation of chloroplast psbA-trnH region. Pl...
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