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Reproductive Ecology of Endemic Plants in the Mountains of Southwestern China
The Dynamics of Plant-pollinator Networks
Evolution of Angiosperm Pollen Morphology
Phylogenetics and Biogeography of Some Selected Families and Genera
California Academy of Sciences, USA. Dr. Peter W ... [07.03]
Georgia Southern University, USA. Prof. Lorne Wol... [07.03]
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, UK. Prof. Stephen... [07.03]
Location: 首页 > Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia > WANG Hong's Group > Research > Evolution of Angiosperm Pollen Morphology
Evolution of Angiosperm Pollen Morphology
Source:      Author:      2013-07-03

This research aims to explore the diversity and development of pollen morphologies throughout angiosperms, in the context of current phylogenetic hypotheses, from an explicit evolutionary and ontogenetic perspective. Based on a character correlated evolution analysis between pollen traits and climate, distribution and pollination etc., more insights on the adaptive evolutionary mechanism of the angiosperms are provided.

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