Publications (* corresponding author)
1. Möller Michael, Gao Lian-Ming*, Robert R Mill, Liu Jie, Zhang De-Quan, Ram C. Poudel, Li De-Zhu*. 2013. A multidisciplinary approach to tackle taxonomically challenging taxa: the Taxus wallichiana complex. Taxon (accepted for publication).
2. Yan Li-Jun, Zhang Zhi-Rong, Li De-Zhu, Gao Lian-Ming*. 2013. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for the endemic species Rhododendron spinuliferum (Ericaceae). Plant Diversity and Resources (accepted for publication).
3. Liu Jie, Möller Michael, Provan Jim, Gao Lian-Ming*, Poudel C. Ram, Li De-Zhu*. 2013. Geological and Ecological Factors Drive Cryptic Speciation of Yews in a Biodiversity Hotspot. New Phytologist (accepted for publication).
4. Ma Yong-Peng, Wu Zhi-Kun, Xue Rui-Juan, Gao Lian-Ming*, Sun Wei-Bang. 2013. A new species of Rhododendron (Ericaceae) from Gaoligong Mountains, Yunnan, China, evidenced from morphological and DNA barcoding data. Phytotaxa (accepted for publication).
5. Poudel Ram Chandra, Gao Lian-Ming*, Möller Michael*, Baral Sushim Ranjan, Uprety Yadav, Liu Jie and Li De-Zhu*. 2013. Yews (Taxus) along the Himalayas: exploring ethnopharmacological relevance among the communities of Mongols and Caucasians origins. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 147: 190-203.
6. Yan Li-Jun, Gao Lian-Ming, Li De-Zhu. 2013. Molecular evidence for natural hybridization between Rhododendron spiciferum and R. spinuliferum (Ericaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51: (in press).
7. Zhang Lin, Zhang Zhi-Rong, Gao Lian-Ming*. 2013. Isolation and characterization of 27 microsatellite markers for an endemic species Diplarche multiflora (Ericaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences 1(1): 1200235 doi:10.3732/apps.1200235.
8. Li HT (李洪涛), Zeng CX (曾春霞), Gao LM (高连明) et al., 2012. Genetic information and technologies related to iFlora. Plant Diversity and Resources (植物分类与资源学报), 34: 585-591.
9. Li De-Zhu (李德铢), Wang Yu-Hua (王雨华), Yi Ting-Shuang (伊廷双),Wang Hong (王红), Gao Lian-Ming (高连明), Yang Jun-Bo (杨俊波). 2012. The next-generation Flora: iFlora:(iFlora:新一代智能植物志). Plant Diversity and Resources (植物分类与资源学报), 34: 525-531.
10. Gao Lian-Ming(高连明),Liu Jie (刘杰), Cai Jie (蔡杰),Yang Jun-Bo (杨俊波), Zhang Ting (张挺), Li De-Zhu (李德铢). 2012. A Synopsis of Technical Notes and Standards for Plants DNA Barcoding (植物DNA条形码研究技术规范). Plant Diversity and Resources (植物分类与资源学报), 34: 592-606.
11. Gao Lian-Ming, Zhang Zhi-Rong, Zhou Ping, Möller Michael*, Li De-Zhu*. 2012. Microsatellite markers developed for Corallodiscus lanuginosus (Gesneriaceae) and cross-species transferability. American Journal of Botany 99 (12): e490-492 doi:10.3732/ajb.1200178
12. Cai Zhao-Ming, Zhang Yu-Xiao, Zhang Li-Na, Gao Lian-Ming*, Li De-Zhu*. 2012. Testing four candidate barcode markers in temperate woody bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution 50:527-539.
13. Poudel Chandra Ram, M?ller Michael, Gao Lian-Ming*, Ahrends Antje, Baral Sushim Ranjan, Liu Jie, Thomas Philip, Li De-Zhu*. Using morphological, molecular and climatic data to delimitate yews along the HinduKush-Himalaya and adjacent regions. PloS ONE 7(10): e46873. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046873
14. Liu Jian-Quan, Sun Yong-Shuai, Ge Xue-Jun, Gao Lian-Ming, Qiu Ying-Xiong. 2012. Phylogeographic studies of plants in China: advances in the past and directions in the future. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 50:267-275.
15. Liu Jie, Provan Jim, Gao Lian-Ming*, Li De-Zhu*. Sampling strategy and potential utility of indels for DNA barcoding of closely related plant species: A case study in Taxus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 13:8740-8751.
16. Yang Jun-Bo, Wang Yi-Ping, Möller Michael, Gao Lian-Ming*, Wu Ding*. 2012. Applying plant DNA barcodes to identify species of Parnassia (Parnassiaceae). Molecular Ecology Resources 12:267-275.
17. Zhang Ling, Li Hong-Tao, Gao Lian-Ming, Yang Jun-Bo, Li De-Zhu, Cannon H Charles, Chen Jin, Li Qing-Jun. 2011. Phylogeny and evolution of bracts and bracteoles in Tacca (Dioscoreaceae). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 53(11): 901–911.
18. China Plant BOL Group, Li De-Zhu*, Gao Lian-Ming, Li Hong-Tao, Wang Hong et al., 2011. Comparative analysis of a large dataset indicates that ITS should be incorporated into the core barcode for seed plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 108: 19641–19646.
19. Kuang Dai-Yong, Wu Hong, Wang Ya-Ling, Gao Lian-Ming, Zhang Shou-Zhou, Lu Lu, 2011. Complete chloroplast genome sequence of Magnolia kwangsiensis (Magnoliaceae): implication for DNA barcoding and population genetics. GENOME 54(8): 663-673.
20. Liu Jie, Gao Lian-Ming*, 2011. Comparative analysis of three different methods of total DNA extraction used in Taxus. Guihaia 31: 244-249
21. Li De-Zhu, Liu Jian-Quan, Chen Zhi-Duan, Wang Hong, Ge Xue-Jun, Zhou Shi-Liang, Gao Lian-Ming, Fu Cheng-Xin, Chen Shi-Lin, 2011. Plant DNA barcoding in China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 49 (3): 165-168.
22. Li Yan, Gao Lian-Ming *, Poudel C. Ram, Li De-Zhu, Forrest A. 2011. High universality of matK primers for barcoding gymnosperms. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 49: 169-175.
23. Liu Jie, Gao Lian-Ming*, Li De-Zhu, Zhang De-Quan, Möller Michael, 2011. Cross-species amplification and development of new microsatellite loci for Taxus wallichiana (Taxaceae). American Journal of Botany 98: e70-e73. doi:10.3732/ajb.1000445
24. Liu Jie, M?ller Michael, Gao Lian-Ming*, Zhang De-Quan, Li De-Zhu*, 2011. DNA barcoding for the discrimination of Eurasian yews (Taxus L., Taxaceae), and the discovery of cryptic species. Molecular Ecology Resources 11: 89-100.
25. Zhang De-Quan, Gao Lian-Ming, Yang Yong-Ping, 2010. Genetic diversity and structure of a traditional Chinese medicinal plant species, Fritillaria cirrhosa (Liliaceae) in southwest China and implications for its conservation. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 38: 236-242.
26. Yang Jun-Bo, Li Hong-Tao, Li De-Zhu, Liu Jie, Gao Lian-Ming*, 2009. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in the endangered species Taxus wallichiana using the FIASCO method. HortScience 44(7): 2043–2045.
27. Wu Ding, Gao Lian-Ming*, Möller Michael, 2009. Taxonomic notes of Parnassia section Saxifragastrum (Parnassiaceae) from China. Annales Botanici Fennici 46 (6): 599-602.
28. Zhang Xue-Mei, Gao Lian-Ming, M?ller Michael, Li De-Zhu, 2009. Molecular evidence for fragmentation among populations of Taxus wallichiana var. mairei, a highly endangered conifer in China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39: 755-764.
29. Gao Lian-Ming, Li De-Zhu, 2009. Rhododendron qiaojiaense (Ericaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China. Annales Botanici Fennici 46: 67-70.
30. Gao Lian-Ming*, Zhang Shu-Dong, 2008. Rhododendron yaoshanense (Ericaceae), a new species from NE Yunnan, China. Annales Botanici Fennici 45: 202-204.
31. Shah Amin, Li De-Zhu, Möller Michael, Gao Lian-Ming*, Hollingsworth L. Michelle, Gibby Mary, 2008. Delimitation of Taxus fuana Nan Li & R.R. Mill (Taxaceae) based on morphological and molecular data. Taxon 57(1): 211-222.
32. Shah Amin, Li De-Zhu, Gao Lian-Ming*, Li Hong-Tao, Möller Michael, 2008. Genetic Diversity within and among populations of the endangered species Taxus fuana (Taxaceae) from Pakistan and implications for its conservation. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 36(3):183-193.
33. Zhang Jing-Li, Zhang Chang-Qin, Gao Lian-Ming, Yang Jun-Bo, Li Hong-Tao, 2007. Natural Hybridization Origin of Rhododendron agastum (Ericaceae) in Yunnan, China:Inferred from Morphological and Molecular Evidence. Journal of Plant Research 120:457-463.
34. Gao Lian-Ming, Möller Michael, Zhang Xue-Mei, Hollingsworth Michelle, Liu Jie, Mill R Robert, Gibby Mary, Li De-Zhu, 2007. High variation and strong phylogeographic pattern among cpDNA haplotypes in Taxus wallichian complex (Taxaceae) in China and North Vietnam. Molecular Ecology 16:4684-4698.
35. Möller Michael, Gao Lian-Ming*, Li De-Zhu, Mill R Robet, Hollingsworth Michelle, Gibby Mary, 2007. Morphometric analysis of the Taxus wallichiana complex based on herbarium material. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 155(3):307-335.
36. He Jun, Yang Bai-Yun, Chen Shao-Feng, Gao Lian-Ming, Wang Hong, 2007. Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Paris polyphylla (Trilliaceae) by ISSR Markers. Acta Botanica Yunnanica 29: 388-392
37. Sun Wei-Bang, Han Chun-Yan, Gao Lian-Ming, Carol A. Wilson, 2007. Genetic diversity of the rare Asian plant, Trigonobalanus doichangensis (Fagaceae). Australian Journal of Botany 55(1):10-17