Luo Dong

Time:2022-05-09  |  Author:  

Luo Dong, Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Research Interests

Major research focus is on the phylogeography, biogeography, and floristic regionalization of plants in East Asia.


Dong Luo, Jipei Yue, Wenguang Sun, Bo Xu, Zhimin Li, Hans Peter Comes, Hang Sun*. Evolutionary history of the subnival flora of the Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains: first insights from comparative phylogeography of four perennial herbs. Journal of Biogeography, 2016, 43: 31-43.

Dong Luo, Bo Xu, Zhimin Li, Hang Sun*. The ‘Ward Line–Mekong–Salween Divide’ is an important floristic boundary between the eastern Himalaya and Hengduan Mountains: evidence from the phylogeographical structure of subnival herbs Marmoritis complanatum (Lamiaceae), Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 85: 482-496.

Dong Luo, Bo Xu, Zhimin Li, Hang Sun*. Phylogeography of rare fern Polystichum glaciale endemic to the subnival zone of the Sino-Himalaya, Plant Systematics and Evolution, 2018, 304: 485–499.

Bo Xu#, Dong Luo#, Zhimin Li, Hang Sun*. Evolutionary radiations of cushion plants on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Insights from molecular phylogenetic analysis of two subgenera of Arenaria and Thylacospermum (Caryophyllaceae), Taxon, 2019, 68(5): 1003-1020.

Hum Kala Rana#, Dong Luo#, Santosh Kumar Rana, Hang Sun*. Geological and climatic factors affect the population genetic connectivity in Mirabilis himalaica (Nyctaginaceae): insight from phylogeography and dispersal corridors in the Himalaya-Hengduan Biodiversity hotspot. Frontiers in plant Science, 2020, 10: 1721.

Santosh Kumar Rana, Hum Kala Rana, Dong Luo*, Hang Sun*. Estimating climate-induced ‘Nowhere to go’ range shifts of the Himalayan Incarvillea Juss. using multi-model median ensemble species distribution models. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 121: 107127

Santosh Kumar Rana#, Dong Luo#, Hum Kala Rana, Alexander Robert O’Neill, Hang Sun*. Geoclimatic factors influence the population genetic connectivity of Incarvillea arguta (Bignoniaceae) in the Himalaya–Hengduan Mountains biodiversity hotspot. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2021. 59: 151-168.

Dong Luo, Bo Xu, Zhimin Li, Hang Sun*. Biogeographical divides delineated by the three-step landforms of China and the East China Sea: Insights from the phylogeography of Kerria japonica. Journal of Biogeography, 2021, 48: 372-385.