In order to answer these two questions, we investigated the transcriptome of bamboo flowering aiming to identify bamboo flowering related genes as well as microRNAs who play a role in regulation of bamboo flowering. We identified about 146,395 high quality unigenes with an average length of 461 bp, and about 126 microRNAs were indentified (89 conserved and 37 novel) in Dendrocalamus latiflorus. The results have been summarized and the paper are in the process of submission. In addition, we also cloned MOC1 genes from more than 8 species of temperate bamboos. We also carried out a systematic comparison of the de novo transcriptome assembly performance of eight assemblers (ABySS, Velvet, SOAPdenovo, Oases, Trinity, Multiple-k, T-IDBA and Trans-ABySS), processing Illumina SOLEXA RNA-Seq reads from Drosophila melanogaster and Oryza sativa. Our study showed that Trinity and Trans-ABySS were the most effective for producing transcriptomes from our trial datasets using single k-mer and multiple k-mer methods, respectively, although the performance levels of the other tested assemblers were comparable. The paper has been submitted out and is under review now.